1.2.10 Visio for Patent Professionals: Working With Templates

Discover how to effortlessly comply with patent office drawing requirements using our premade Visio templates. This video demonstrates how to use templates that already incorporate essential elements like page numbering, margins, font size, and line thickness, simplifying your patent drafting process.

Key Takeaways

  • Using Templates: To start a new document from a template file, double-click the template. Make sure to save the file in the standard Visio document format before making any changes.
  • Pre-Set Pages: Our custom templates come with pre-set pages, including one portrait-oriented page and one landscape-oriented page, along with corresponding background pages.
  • Automatic Page Numbering: The background pages contain formulas that automatically count and insert page numbers on all other pages.
  • Adding New Pages: To add a new portrait or landscape page, select an existing page of the same orientation and click the plus sign to add it at the end or right-click and select “Insert” to add it next to the selected page.
  • Maintaining Characteristics: When inserting new pages, pre-select an existing page of the desired orientation to ensure that the new page inherits all the characteristics of the selected page.
  • Join Our Webinars: Register for our free webinars to deepen your Visio knowledge and connect with the community.

Recommended Webinars

Further explore the topics covered in this article by attending our webinars. These sessions offer additional insights and the opportunity to ask questions and interact with experts in Visio for patent practice.

  • Basic Visio Skills for IP Professionals: Discover the fundamentals of Microsoft Visio in our webinar tailored for IP professionals, covering basic skills to streamline your patent drawing process.
  • Visio Q&A Fridays: Join our “Visio Q&A Fridays” webinar series to get expert answers to your questions and enhance your proficiency in using Visio for IP-related work.

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