Visio How-Tos: Modifying Flowchart

In Visio, modifying a flowchart to add new steps is straightforward. This exercise demonstrates how to insert a new process shape between existing connected shapes, ensuring seamless integration into your workflow.

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Prerequisite for the Exercise

Before starting this exercise, please follow these steps:

  1. Download the Files: Fill out the form below to get the Visio-How-Tos–Modifying-Flowchart.vsdxIP-DaVinci-Stencil–Basic-Reference-Numbers-and-Lead-Lines.vssx, and  IP-DaVinci-Stencil–Basic-Flowchart-Elements.vssx files.

    Download Form

    • Open the File and Stencils: After downloading, open the file and stencil(s) to start the exercise.
    Exercise Steps

    1. Activate Flowchart Stencil:

    • Click on the preloaded IP-DaVinci-Stencil–Basic-Flowchart-Elements.vssx stencil in the Shapes window to view the shapes available for your flowchart.

    2. Insert a Process Shape Between Connected Shapes:

    • Drag-and-drop a Process shape from the stencil onto the top of the right-angled connector. Position it until two green boxes appear around the two endpoints of the connector, indicating the shape is aligned for insertion between the two existing connected shapes. Release the mouse button to place the shape.

    3. Add Text to the Process Shape:

    • If the Process shape is not already selected, click on it to select it.
    • Begin typing “Insert chat session ID into database” to add text to the shape.

    4.  Adjust the Position of the Process Shape:

    • Select the Process shape, if it’s not already selected.
    • Press and hold the left mouse button, then drag the shape up until it’s positioned in the middle of the connector, as shown.

    5. Activate the Reference Numbers and Lead Lines Stencil:

    • Click on the preloaded IP-DaVinci-Stencil–Basic-Reference-Numbers-and-Lead-Lines.vssx stencil in the Shapes window to view the shapes available for annotating your flowchart.

    6. Add a Combo Lead Line to the New Process Shape:

    • Drag and drop a Combo Lead Line shape from the IP-DaVinci-Stencil–Basic-Reference-Numbers-and-Lead-Lines.vssx stencil next to the new Process shape.

    7. Adjust the Lead Line End:

    • Drag the white endpoint of the lead line until it touches the Process shape.

    8. Adjust the Lead Line Shape:

    • Drag the yellow midpoint of the lead line to adjust its shape as shown.

    9. Update the Reference Number:

    • If the Combo Lead Line shape is selected, simply type “325” to replace the placeholder reference number. If it’s not selected, click on the shape to select it, then type “325.”

    Recommended Training Series

    • Visio for IP Professionals: Join our “Visio for IP Professionals” training series to master the art of creating precise patent drawings with Microsoft Visio, enhancing your efficiency and expertise in the IP field.

    Recommended Webinars

    Further explore the topics covered in this article by attending our webinars. These sessions offer additional insights and the opportunity to ask questions and interact with experts in Visio for patent practice.

    • Introduction to Visio for IP Practitioners: Dive into the world of Visio with our webinars tailored for IP practitioners, offering a comprehensive introduction to utilizing this powerful tool for patent drawings.
    • Basic Visio Skills for IP Professionals: Discover the fundamentals of Microsoft Visio in our webinar tailored for IP professionals, covering basic skills to streamline your patent drawing process.
    • Basic Visio Use Cases Demonstration: Explore practical applications of Microsoft Visio in our webinar, demonstrating basic use cases to improve your patent drawing efficiency and effectiveness.
    • Visio Q&A Fridays: Join our “Visio Q&A Fridays” webinar series to get expert answers to your questions and enhance your proficiency in using Visio for IP-related work.

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